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To be worn by the double jabbed :)
Times Square manhole explosion
Times Square manhole explosion
Covid Vacine
Russa v Ukraine - Russian advance tanks roll in
Russa v Ukraine - Russian tanks shoots Ukrainian footmen taking selfies
"Putin Price Hike"
zov militants flee from Mariupol to temporary accommodation centers, and then try to get into Russia.
Fair play Danny
What do you make of this chap?
Joyless Reid
Ukrainians dispute the Ukrainian Army for setting up a mine area in the local community
Billionaire businessman John Catsimatidis, chairman and CEO of United Refining Company, admits in
NATO chemtrail brigade over Edinburgh, Scotland, 9-4-2022 Military future weather control & UK
it's about trans humanism and assimilation... like the borg...
“COVID-19 was just a wake up call, I don’t believe it’s THE great pandemic. THE great pandemic is