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Vaccine killing children
Hunter Laptop This is the most interesting story! The Alliance allowed the election to be rigged
Dr Sherri Tenpenny
New York mayor Eric Adams met by protests again as he leaves a restaurant, everywhere he goes, it
Disney has adopted a benefits program to assist employees and their minor children with "gender
young man who stumped CNN's Brian Stelter
isney executive producer Latoya Raveneau says she identifies as a "bi-romantic asexual" and that
Money Laundering?
Rishi The Liar Sunak
During the day, robot dogs with loudspeakers patrol the empty streets announcing that nobody is
hanghai residents protest lockdowns on their balconies as a drone appears saying: "Please comply
Pedo Alert Down Under
#BREAKING: 2 dead, 8 people injured (4 in critical condition) following terror attack shooting in
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Californian parents hit Disney in protest against their sick sexual and gender bending rhetoric
MEP Christine Anderson tells of the hope derived from the Canadian truckers in a powerful message
Germans rejoice as the news filters through that parliament has voted against compulsory Covid
Teach children, STOP indoctrinating them.
WARNING GRAPHIC Super Woman Shoot Armed Man