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Russian Forces
Flat Earth
Russian forces handing out aid
US Convoy continues to grow
Australian Demo
Vaccine Dangerous
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan
WARNING: SHOCKING FOOTAGE! Ukrainian troops film executed Russian prisoners of war. At one point,
WARNING GRAPHIC: Following on from my previous post about the claim that Russian friendlies wear
WARNING GRAPHIC: Reports suggest this is Ukrainian troops against civilians that they accuse of
WARNING GRAPHIC There are many claims online this video was taken down shortly after the
Dr Aseem Malhotra reveals cardiology researchers have found inflammation of the coronary arteries
oe Biden wants to chemically castrate children and mutilate their genitals.
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi visiting Turin is met by angry crowds, chants of "assassin" can
Congratulations to Victor Orban for another landslide win that has the left apoplectic with gender
Trudeau intoxicated?
Kamala Harris
Animals just know :)
Orban's Victory Devastates The New World Order